🎉 Version 1.9.0 is out! This is the final release supporting Next.js 13.5.1-14.x. The upcoming version 2.0.0 will require Next.js 15.
Handlers APICacheHandlerConfig


type CacheHandlerConfig = {
  handlers: (Handler | undefined | null)[];
  ttl?: Partial<TTLParameters>;



An array of cache handlers that conform to the Handler interface. Multiple caches can be used to implement various caching strategies or layers. See Handler API reference for more information.

If a handler is undefined or null, it will be ignored. It may be useful when you don’t want to use a particular cache layer in a specific case. For example, you may want to opt out of using your remote cache during the build.

In the example below, we use a local cache and a Redis cache. If the Redis cache is not available, we will use only the local cache.

CacheHandler.onCreation(async () => {
  let handler;
  if (process.env.REDIS_AVAILABLE) {
    await client.connect();
    handler = await createRedisHandler({
  } else {
    handler = {
      // ...
  return {
    handlers: [handler],


Time-to-live (TTL) options for the cache entries. See TTLParameters API reference for more information.