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🎉 Version 1.9.0 is out! This is the final release supporting Next.js 13.5.1-14.x. The upcoming version 2.0.0 will require Next.js 15.
Handlers APICacheHandlerValue


type CacheHandlerValue = { lastModified: number; value: IncrementalCacheValue | null; tags: string[]; lifespan: LifespanParameters | null; };



Time in milliseconds when the cache entry was last modified. It is used by the Next.js server to determine if the cache entry is stale or fresh.


The value to be cached. It may be a pre-rendered HTML page with its props, a result of a fetch call. It may also be null if the page is not found.


Tags associated with the cache entry. They are used for on-demand revalidation. They will be checked by the Handler’s revalidateTag method to determine whether to delete the cache entry or not.


The lifespan parameters for the cache entry. It may be null for pages with fallback: false in getStaticPaths. Consider these pages as always fresh and never stale. See the LifespanParameters type for more information.

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