🎉 1.3.0 is out! It features the new keyExpirationStrategy option for the redis-strings Handler!
Installation and the First Steps

Getting Started with @neshca/cache-handler

This section guides you through the initial setup and basic usage of @neshca/cache-handler, helping you integrate advanced caching solutions into your Next.js applications seamlessly.


  • Node.js: Version 18.17 or newer.
  • Next.js: Version 13.5.1 or newer.
  • Redis (optional): Version 4.6.0 or newer.

Quick Start Installation

npx create-next-app --example cache-handler-redis cache-handler-redis-app
yarn create next-app --example cache-handler-redis cache-handler-redis-app
pnpm create next-app --example cache-handler-redis cache-handler-redis-app

Manual installation

  1. Install @neshca/cache-handler:
    Execute this command in your Next.js project root directory:

    npm install -D @neshca/cache-handler
  2. Optional Redis Installation:
    Install Redis if you plan to use it as your cache store:

    npm install -D redis

Basic Custom Configuration

  1. Create a Cache Handler File:
    In your project root, create a file named cache-handler.mjs for your cache configuration.

  2. Configure the Cache Handler:
    Below is a basic setup example:

    import { CacheHandler } from '@neshca/cache-handler';
    CacheHandler.onCreation(async () => {
      // Let's imagine we're using a map
      // in which values are shared via the network
      // between all your Next.js app instances.
      const cacheStore = new MagicMap();
      const handler = {
        async get(key) {
          return await cacheStore.get(key);
        async set(key, value) {
          await cacheStore.set(key, value);
        async revalidateTag(tag) {
          // Iterate over all entries in the cache
          for (const [key, { tags }] of cacheStore) {
            // If the value's tags include the specified tag, delete this entry
            if (tags.includes(tag)) {
              await cacheStore.delete(key);
        // Optional: Implement the delete method
        // if your cache store doesn't support automatic time-based key expiration.
        // It will be called when the get method returns expired data.
        async delete(key) {
          await cacheStore.delete(key);
      return {
        handlers: [handler],
    export default CacheHandler;
  3. Integrate with Next.js:
    Update your next.config.js to utilize the cache handler, ensuring it's only active in production:

    const nextConfig = {
      cacheHandler: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? require.resolve('./cache-handler.mjs') : undefined,
      // Use `experimental` option instead of the `cacheHandler` property when using Next.js versions from 13.5.1 to 14.0.4
      /* experimental: {
                process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? require.resolve('./cache-handler.mjs') : undefined,
        }, */
    module.exports = nextConfig;

Do not import @neshca/cache-handler to your components or pages. It is only meant to be used in cache-handler.mjs files.

Running Your Application

Start Your Next.js Application:

Build and start your application in production mode to see the cache handler in action:

npm run build
npm run start

Next Steps

With the setup complete, explore @neshca/cache-handler's advanced features: