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local-lru Handler

import createLocalHandler from '@neshca/cache-handler/local-lru'; // ... const localHandler = createLocalHandler({ maxItemsNumber: 10000, maxItemSizeBytes: 1024 * 1024 * 500, }); // ...

The local-lru Handler uses a lru-cache instance as the cache store. It stores the cache in memory and evicts the least recently used entries when the cache reaches its limits. You can use this Handler as a fallback cache when the shared cache is unavailable.


The local-lru Handler is not suitable for production environments. It is intended for development and testing purposes only.


@neshca/cache-handler/local-lru exports a function that creates a new Handler instance for the local-lru Handler.


  • options - An object containing the following properties:
    • maxItemsNumber - Optional. Maximum number of items the cache can hold. Defaults to 1000.
    • maxItemSizeBytes - Optional. Maximum size in bytes for each item in the cache. Defaults to 1024 * 1024 * 100 (100 MB).

Return value

A new Handler instance for the local-lru Handler.

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